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AISOS thanks

AISOS thanks those who contribute to the fight against osteosarcoma.

Over the years, many personalities and entities from the world of entertainment, culture, music and sport have believed in our work and have decided to support our campaigns and projects in the field.

Our sincere “thank you” goes to them.

  • To Prof. Giovanni Bollea, an extraordinary scientist who has constantly contributed to the daily battles of AISOS for the affirmation of the rights of the children who suffer. Unparalleled teacher, great citizen, father and founder of Child Neuropsychiatry, and precursor as well as innovator of this medical branch, Prof. Bollea, in his long career, has been the promoter of countless initiatives in favor of children by being part of the Committee of Honor “Unicef ​​Prize – on the side of children”.
  • To STUDIO IMMAGINE Srl by Maurizio Carrano for having produced the first Spot interpreted by Enzo De Caro as a testimonial and the second interpreted by the master Pupi Avati, and always be by our side to help us grow …
  • Thanks to Gigi Proietti, testimonial of the awareness campaign and fundraising in 2014
  • Dr. Maurizio Castorina, CEO of the World Zambon
  • The municipality of Sant’Eusanio Forconese for the donation made: Valentina – Aisos volunteer, Giuseppe Tronca Antoniucci, the Mayor, lawyer Giovanni Berardinangelo and all the municipal administration
  • Rai and Sky networks: Live life, Geo & Geo, Uno Mattina, Sport Sunday, TG1, SKYTG24, SKYSPORT24.
  • The radios and all their speakers: Radio Monte Carlo, Virgin Radio, Radio 105, RTL102.5, Radio1, Radio3, Vatican Radio.
  • Thanks also to all the news agencies and online and offline newspapers, who have given a very important contribution in disseminating our project.

Thanks to all of them, to their notoriety and credibility, we were able to attract the attention of public opinion and the media to such an important fight as that against osteosarcoma.

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