On 31 May a conference was held at the Confedilizia headquarters aimed at sanctioning the ever closer collaboration between AISOS and Confedilizia. Many personalities attended the event moderated by Giovanna Rossiello.
Giorgio Spaziani Testa, President of Confedilizia, opened the proceedings by emphasizing the commitment of a historical organization such as Confedilizia to social responsibility and the reasons for choosing AISOS as a cause to be supported inside and outside the network of property owners and subjects connected to them.
Francesca Maddalena Terracciano, President of AISOS, explained how AISOS was born to create a multidisciplinary team able to welcome young patients and their families, direct them both in diagnosis and in the therapeutic path and help them reintegrate into the social fabric.
Barbara Peruzzi, researcher, presented the results of the project won by AISOS in 2013 thanks to the call of the Just Italia Foundation and indicated the possible directions of further research projects that can be undertaken thanks to the funds raised by AISOS.
Prof. Carlo della Rocca, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine of the La Sapienza University of Rome and President of the AISOS Scientific Committee, underlined the progress that has been achieved in recent years in the fight against osteosarcoma and the merits of AISOS in creation of the conditions to carry out a difficult research that yields few immediate results but which is necessary to give answers and hopes to the patients who fall ill with this pathology every year.
Prof. Giulio Maccauro, Head of the Gemelli Polyclinic and Director of Orthopedics, Traumatology and Cancer Surgery, spoke about research and technologies aimed at improving the quality of life of patients after resection operations and the importance of giving an answer even to patients who come from other parts of the world where treatment options are not available or are not easily accessible.
Mariella Enoc, President of the Bambino Gesù Pediatric Hospital, spoke about the importance of research for the Bambino Gesù Hospital and the contribution of AISOS which since 2013 has financed research projects of the hospital and the ethical aspects of modern medicine.
Gianmario Zana, Founder and CEO of GMZ & Partners and Treasurer of AISOS, stressed that the resources needed to grow organizations like AISOS are not only monetary ones but also other resources such as enthusiasm, passion and time.
Melita Cavallo, Vice President of AISOS and former President of the Juvenile Court of Rome, spoke about the role of the juvenile judge in some specific cases in which for various reasons those who exercise parental authority cannot be alongside the patient to make the most important decisions.
Paolo Botti, CEO of Ferri Group and Secretary General of AISOS, spoke about his experience with AISOS, and the importance of networking and fundraising.
Stefano Cerrato, Administrative Secretary of the National Volunteer Center, finally spoke about the importance of hybridization that brings together different entities that obtain benefits from collaboration.